Sunday, December 30, 2007

Moving Day

Here we go - packin' it in. 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. It was a long day.
I can't believe we filled the whole thing. As only Germans do, these guys boxed everything. I think if we were sending home snow tires, they'd box them too. Hopefully it all will arrive safe and sound on January 16.
Now it's time to paint and clean. CYA on the other side.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Last Times !!!!!

Last white Christmas in Germany. This shot was taken in Chalampe, France, only a 15 minute drive away from our house.

Last time making Pizza in Germany

Last social with our German neighbors. 93 came to our "goodbye" open house and signed our guestbook !!!

Last time in France AND for a great Christmas dinner at the Kents.

More Special Good-Byes

Hans Shaffer - Chaplain's assistant
The Youngs - Lane, Michelle, Jeffers, Meagen, Emma - fun family
The Kents - Randy & Jan - former BFAers, now in France (great Christmas Dinner)
Linda Sommer - our ESL specialist
Chris Greathouse - the Athletic Director who refused to go one on one with me in basketball
Sam Stemple - BFA's Chaplain

Glenn & Shelia Lewis - Rook partners
Mike Hill - piano teacher and a Pennsy guy
Mari Ellen Reeser - school counselor and so much more

More of the kids that make this job so much fun !!!

This is Deb's small group that met every Wednesday evening. Joanna, Ginny, Alyssa and Erin.
Luke and Serge - basketball martyrs
Katie B and Autumn
Becki and Debbie
Bethany and Chew

Korean Kookiness in the Dorms

I'd would sit by the fireplace and do my homework and Deb would disappear upstairs into the rooms with the girls.

Rebecca, Esther and Ja - what goofballs !!!

Good Byes at the dorm - Storchenblick

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow...." you guys were part of those blessings.

Every Thursday night for several years we would sub for the dorm parents who needed their night off. Dinner was always an adventure and we always sand the doxology before eating. I'm sure that any future singing of the doxology will bring many good memories, if not, tears.
Here's Debbie and Bethany woofing it down before I even get in line. We miss you guys already.
After dinner often was laundry time and Krausey ..... well let's just say I almost stuffed you into one of those dryers.

Good Bye to my Small Group

For 12 years now I've been in a small group with a few guys who try to hold me accountable. The faces have changed over the years, mostly just getting wrinkled, but I'm know that despite the miles and decades, we will always be great friends. Left to right - Mark Wiebe - BFA board chairman; David Harrop - pastor at BFCF; Tim Shuman - director of BFA; Glenn Lewis - ResLife administrator and Mets fan. Cinnamon buns compliments of Tim's wife Sandee.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Our Last Christmas Banquet

Glenn and Shelia Lewis are some of our closest friends here at BFA. Glenn heads up the Residence division of the school. Together Glenn and Shelia were the MCs for the evening.

Deb hosts a discipleship group every Wednesday night and her girls are Joanna, Erin and Ginny.

I had all three in Bible class last year and I guess they saw the need for some Bateman balance. I'm sure Deb has corrected all my faulty teaching by now.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pizza Night - Again

Sam, David, Jae, Rebecca, Esther & Deborah just had to sample Mr. B's pizza before we leave. A quick game of Spoons followed and then Taboo.

These are some of the things we'll miss most !!!

New Staff Gathering

We had 32 new staff members gather at our house for fellowship. They've been on the job now for 90 days and it's time for a checkup. Pray for these fine folks as they enter their first Christmas holiday season apart from family.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Herbstmesse in Basel

We took in five buses loaded with students for this fall festival.

Talk about the "fall of man".

Polish Pottery

Every once in a while Deb gets some time out with her girlfriends. This year the group of them went to Poland for one last trip to the pottery factories.

I suppose this would amount to me going to a motorcycle convention.

All Saint's Day in a Polish cemetery.

AAAAAHHHHHH !!!!! The treasure at last!

Fall Shots

This is without a doubt the prettiest autumn season we've had here in 13 years.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturday Night - Pizza Night

Every Saturday night is Pizza night. Sometimes we invite staff, sometimes students. Here's the group from last night, all nine of them.
Merrit, Phil, Ginny and Erin David, Brandon, Kingsley, Serge, Alyssa.
These are the just some of the things we'll miss.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Senior Class Trip to Rome - Venice

You can't do Italy without making a stop in Venice (Venezia). The trip was saddened by the news that the Phillies lost all three games, but I'll get over it soon. The day was overcast, but that was better than the heat we've experienced here in the past.
It's a shame that the canals are filthy, but there is still the mystery of the city that floats.

At the end of a long day, which was the end of a long trip, we all sat down to enjoy a concert performed by the Interpreti Venezians. They made Vivaldi's Four Seasons come alive. We boarded the bus one final time at midnight and returned to BFA by 8:45 a.m. the next day. What a trip, what a great group of kids!!!!

Senior Class Trip - Rome Day 4 & 5

Day 4 we spent as a day off from touring the city. The kids hung out, swam and watched another glorious sunset. We then went out for dinner, Italian style, a full 6 courses.
One final class photo at Osteo Antica before we head off to Venezia, then home.

Senior Class Trip - Rome Day 3

No trip to Rome would be complete without a tour of the Coliseum. Every year Mario Bruno, missionary to Rome and friend of BFA, gives us an outstanding understanding of the history of the Coliseum and the Forum.

On the steps of the Victory Monuments are Deb, Christine, JyHae, Bekkah, Katie and Bill. All great kids. We will miss them all very much in a few months.

Late afternoon shot of the Coliseum.
Here's the Forum where Paul gave witness to Jesus Christ and where I'm standing is where tradition has it that Paul and Peter were imprisoned before their execution.