Hey, didn't the first woman, Eve, come from a rib?
We would've done it up a bit fancier except that there's a wedding in the near future.
Formerly taught at Black Forest Academy - the best MK school in the world. Currently enabling others to experience the fullness of walking on the edge in full-time missions by serving as Mission Pastor @ Calvary Fellowship Church, Downingtown, PA.
Hey congratulations!!! 30 years and you still look the same. How can that be. It was great to read your prayer letter and see the pictures. Also, congrats on the up coming wedding. I know how hard it is to not know the future mate, but we have survived and have grandchild #4 on the way. Give my love to all the oldies but goodies at BFA. It is some of the great memories I have. Love to you both, Leah Heinemann
I know that you posted this a long time ago, but how can this picture - beautiful as it is - be the only one on your entire blog page? I vote for more of the both of you!! :)
Oh, I tried to give you a red dot on the map, but couldn't really figure it all out. I imagine this technological incompetence is the direct product of an omission in my High School Computer class curriculum...
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