Sunday, September 28, 2008

On the Lake

Thanks to some very generous friends we were able to spend the Labor Day weekend in the Poconos.
Cute little neighbors.
I never did get in any fishing.
And this is why, too much fun on the lake.
Knucklehead sons.
58 mph on water - a bit crazy.
A view from the deck.
Their version of water ballet. Lovers in the tube.
Even the old man can do it.

What a great weekend !!!!!!

Our Trip to JAARS

Deb and I, along with 9 others from CFC, went to Waxhaw, NC to visit two CFC families that serve as missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators at the Jungle Aviation and Radio Services facility. CFC has sent a team there for five years now to help with inventory and other services.

Here they repair and ready airplanes for their work in the bush. This particular plane will be dis-assembled and pack into a container and shipped to the jungle by truck, train and boat.

Here are the Gayles - Jeff, Sue, Jonathan and Sarah. Jeff works in the IT department at JAARS and serves also as board chair for the Christian school where Sue works and their kids attend.